Shipping is included for Hawaii and continental US - additional shipping is calculated at checkout for orders shipping to Alaska.
Orders are shipped via FedEx 2-Day Air.
It is normal for the peels of the fruit to darken during shipping, please review these details on what to expect prior to placing your order. Please see the details below to learn about our fruit and shipping policies.
Beginning in 2025, all longan orders will ship via FedEx 2-Day Air.
Please ensure you are available to receive and properly store the fruit as soon as it is delivered. We package and ship our products to comply with federal agricultural regulations, and are unable to add icepacks or other materials at this time. We are not responsible for damage after the fruit has been delivered.
Longan, also known as "dragon's eye", are golden brown skinned with a translucent fruit on the inside. Longans are extraordinarily sweet and tasty and have been a favored fruit in Southeast Asia for centuries.
We pick, pack and ship our fruit with care to ensure the freshest quality, but they are meant to be eaten fresh from the tree so please eat them and share them right away. The fruit we send is ripe, sweet and luscious and we ship only the best of the fruit!
All our fresh fruit is sold by the case and cannot be mixed with other fruit within the case due to export regulations. The fruit is treated with electronic pasteurization to meet federal export requirements required by the USDA and APHIS.
We cannot ship to Florida.